Advantages of Installing Frameless Shower Doors

If you're hoping to upgrade your bathroom and enjoy the sensation of entering the luxurious spa, you should consider adding framesless shower doors. They're sleek, easy to clean and can make your bathroom appear bigger. They also have a great perspective to let light in, and also improve the ventilation. This can help keep your home clean and fresh.

With all the advantages, it's no wonder that the frameless shower door is one of the most requested options in homes today. But, if you're thinking about installing the doors yourself instead of hiring a professional to install them, it's essential to learn the aspects involved in this project so that you are able to prepare for the task and ensure that your new shower will look its best.

The installation of a frameless shower door requires careful planning and attention to detail. First, you'll have to measure the dimensions of the width and height of your shower's opening to determine the dimensions of the door that will be required to purchase. Make sure you measure at the top, middle, and the bottom of the shower door, since the walls aren't always completely set. Next, you'll need to thoroughly clean the shower area where the door will be placed and then remove any shower hardware currently in place. Once you've cleaned the area, it's time to install the hinges. Follow the manufacturer's instructions closely so that the hinges are correctly fixed and aligned in place to your wall. Then, apply a small dot of silicone sealant on the edges of the wall where it is joined to the door in order to stop leaks.

After the hinges are fixed, you can then secure the door to be secured. Based on the kind of hinges you pick they will usually require fixing them to holes that have been pre-drilled on the door's panel and then tightening them using screws. Make sure to not over tighten the screws as this could damage the glass. After the door is in position, it's a good idea to check for misalignment and re-tighten as necessary. Finally, if you have troublesome hinges, apply small amount of oil to the hinges that move.

Benefits of installing Frameless Shower Doors

The most significant benefit of shower doors that are frameless is that they're much easier to clean than traditional doors. They don't have any metal seams or frames which hold soap scum as well as mold. They're also less likely rust or experience corrosion, which can result in unsightly streaks of black on the shower glass.

In addition, frameless shower doors are usually composed of tough tempered glass that's resistant to breaking. This can safeguard you from any accidental drops or falls, and it's a great option for those who have small children or pets in the home.

Additionally framesless shower doors make your bathroom appear bigger and can also emphasize other design elements within the space. This can be especially helpful for bathrooms that are smaller, and where the space is limited. Additionally, since frames aren't attached to the frame of a metal structure which is why they are more attractive than conventional shower doors which are made of metal.

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